lauantai 16. joulukuuta 2017

Metal Star's caviary 2017 most succesful cavies

Year Winner 2 & Best of breed 2017!!!
FICH VV2-17 VROP-17 Snoop's Silver Star, rex boar
Breeder Minna Aatela
Year Winner 5!!! FICH VV5-17 JJV-17 Metal Star's Knight, texel boar
Year Winner 6!!!
FICH VV6-17 Redland Cowboy, rex boar
Breeder Carol Payne
Year Winner 7 & Best of breed 2017!!!
FICH VV7-17 VROP-17 Satukallion Watru Avolava, teddy boar
Breeder Susanna Piili
Year Winner 10 & Best of breed 2017!!!
FICH VV-10 VROP-17 Delfoin Igrim, merino boar
Breeder Kirsi Ruotsalainen owner. Metal Star's & Delfoin
Best of breed and best clipped 2017!!!
VKL-17 VROP-17 NordCLIPPED-17 Metal Star's Other Side, alpaca boar.

Best of breed 2017!!! VROP-17 Delfoin Faith, coronet sow. 

Breeder Kirsi Ruotsalainen owner. Metal Star's & Delfoin
Best of breed 2017!!!
VROP-17 Metal Star's Way of Vikings, sheltie boar

Year of 2017 breeders competition 3th place!!! 496 points!!!

In picture Snoop's Silver Star's last litter :) Hopefully upcoming show stars :)!!

Great show weeken in Turku 25.11.2017

Great show weekend in Turku Grand Gala
Judge Nete Dietrich, DK
Open class GG
Delfoin LaCampina, self black sow, BOB2 & Certificate (owners Metal Star’s & Delfoin)
Redland Cowboy, Rex boar, BOB1 & Certificate & New FICH!! & BIS4!!!
Metal Star’s Noose, teddy boar, BOB1 & Certificate & > New FICH!!!
Metal Star’s Lumous, teddy sow, Special prize
NordCLIPPED-17 Metal Star’s Other Side, clipped alpaca boar, Best1 & Special prize
Metal Star’s teddys best breeders group 2!!
Junior class GG
Metal Star’s Van Helsing, Rex boar, BOB1 & Certificate
Metal Star’s Yours Immortally, teddy boar, BOB1 & Certificate
NordJrW-17 Metal Star’s Sentenced, teddy boar, Special prize
Delfoin Fabricius, texel boar, BOB1 & Certificate (owners Metal Star’s & Delfoin)
Delfoin Faith, coronet sow, BOB1 & Certificate (owners Metal Star’s & Delfoin)
Metal Star’s teddys best Junior breeders group 1!!!!
Judge Anette Creutzberg, DK
Delfoin LaCampina, self black sow, Special prize (owners Metal Star’s & Delfoin)
Redland Cowboy, Rex boar, BOB1 & Certificate & BIS5!!!
Metal Star’s Van Helsing, Rex boar BOB2 & Certificate
Metal Star’s Noose, teddy boar, BOB1 & Certificate
Metal Star’s Lumous, teddy sow, BOB2 & Special prize
Metal Star’s Yours Immortally, teddy boar, Special price
Delfoin Fabricius, texel boar, BOB2 & Certificate (owners Metal Star’s & Delfoin)
Delfoin Faith, coronet sow, BOB1 & Certificate (owners Metal Star’s & Delfoin)
NordCLIPPED-17 Metal Star’s Other Side, clipped alpaca boar, Best1 & Special prize